A.R.T. Fusion invites you to celebrate the Earth Day
FLASH MOBS and actions to know how to take care of our planet !
A flash mob is a large group of people who assemble suddenly in a public place, perform an unusual action for a brief time, then quickly disperse
PLACE: Recylcing conteiners in front of the Cercul Militar National (Bulevardul Regina Elisabeta)
DATE: Thursday, 21 April, 18:00
DURATION: Until somebody reacts
"Waiting for Recicling"
TIME: 18:00
What do you have to do? At 18:00 o’ clock everybody must be around the area that surrounds the containers in front of the Cercul Militar National, act normal, as if you’re waiting for something, resting, reading a magazine, eating or talking. Also at 18:00 there will be a person that will start throwing garbage to the floor around the containers, the rest of the people just have to act normal. We just have to wait for the reaction of somebody, possibilities:
a) if somebody reacts and help and put the garbage in the containers, everybody just have to stop acting normal and start clapping and help also to put all the garbage in the right containers.
b) In case that somebody reacts in not such a good way, don’t react unless the guy who’s throwing the garbage to the floor whistles. If you listen to the whistle you all come and put the garbage in the right containers, if there is no whistle, just continue to act casual until somebody try to show the guy where it is suppose to put the garbage and then clapping and separate !
So the point of the flashmob is to people notice that the containers exists, and that we can do more. Also, when it is time to clap the person that helps to put the garbage on the containers, really give that person a strong applause, hug her if you want to ! We want people to not forget about it !
This initiative is part of the Globe in the Mirror II project, initiated by ART Fusion Association and financially supported by the European Comission through Youth in Action Program